Free refrigerated delivery

Our commitment to delivering these probiotic-rich products under refrigerated conditions means you get to enjoy all the gut health benefits, with every jar or bottle retaining its full probiotic potential.

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celebrating 10 years of bubble & fizz celebrating 10 years of bubble & fizz

celebrating 10 years of bubble & fizz celebrating 10 years of bubble & fizz


    We follow a traditional wild-fermentation process, for all our products. Utilising temperature-controlled rooms for optimal fermentation results.

  • You can't rush fermentation 🥬

    Our commitment is to quality, not convenience, focusing on the slow art of fermentation where time is our most important ingredient of all.

  • Better for you 😃

    Fermentation results in naturally-occurring probiotics that support gut health and the microbiome. We never pasteurise our products to allow full flavour and health benefits to thrive.